Tag Archives: pet care services

Did You Know About Pet Care The Natural Way?

We generally use natural remedies for our ailments because we believe that they don’t have any side effects compared to chemicals. But what we fail to realize is that even pet care can be done the natural way. It may not be the usual way of handling pet ailments and they are completely safe. Your pets will be safe from chemicals that can cause allergies and ones that are expired.

It will be better to check with your local veterinarian before doing so, so that they can advise you on and inform you on what precautions you must take. Most natural herbs are harmless with no cases of side effects. By using natural remedies for ailments, you and your pet can both be happy and stress free. Most of these ingredients can be easily found around your home.

Herbs And Pet Care

One misunderstood concept of pet care is that animals feel stress too. Normally if you as pet owners don’t have time for them and of course if you get too busy with your schedule, they are left alone. This causes stress for them. The best way to deal with that is valerian. This is a herb that is known for its calming abilities. You can grind a root of valerian and sprinkle on the food of your pet. Another great stress reliever is chamomile tea. You can brew some for them to drink or simply dunk a treat into the tea and feed them. When you are buying pet food you must always read the ingredients in them. Most pet foods contain grain fillers of low quality, artificial sweeteners and many by products. The ingredients should contain quality animal protein like chicken, lamb, beef or fish. Avoid buying pet foods with unknown ingredients like unknown bone meal, wheat gluten and that has chemical preservatives.

Natural Way The Best Way

It is natural for pets to experience urinary tract problems. The best ways to deal with them is using the dandelion root. You must grind the root of dandelion. Then you must sprinkle them on the pet’s food for a week. This will reduce the ailments. Humans have the choice of a variety of dishes and herbs that can increase our antioxidant levels. But pets don’t have the same choice. For this you can try to include natural herbs like oregano, rosemary, dill, thyme and peppermint to see which flavors they like best. If your pet experiences minor ailments you can try home remedies, but if they are in need of serious medical care you best take them to the local veterinarian.